Nebraska Tourism Commission Meeting

August 27, 2024 at 1:00pm CST 

Red Cloud Opera House

413 N Webster Street

Red Cloud, NE 68970


Commissioner Chair Robert Sabin called the meeting to order at 1:03 pm.


Commissioners present: Darrin Barner, Heritage Homes of Nebraska; KC Belitz, Department of Economic Development; John Chapo, Lincoln Children’s Zoo; Roger Jasnoch, Kearney Visitors Bureau; Roger Kuhn, Nebraska Game and Parks; Deb Loseke, Columbus/Platte County CVB; Barry McFarland, Mac’s Creek Vineyards and Winery; Ashley Olson, Willa Cather Foundation; Robert Sabin, Hilton Omaha; Jeanna Stavas, Whispering Pines Bed and Breakfast; Sarah Sortum, Calamus Outfitters.

Commissioners absent: Commission Starr Lehl, Scottsbluff

Commissioner seat unappointed: one member representing a state chamber of commerce


Commission staff present: John Ricks, Schuylar Craig, Heather Hogue, Lilly Uhlmann, Alisha Simonson, Jenn Gjerde


  1. Approval of Meeting Agenda

Commission Chair Sabin welcomed the commissioners; introductions were made; and Sabin asked for motion to approve agenda.


Chapo motioned to approve the agenda. Loseke seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Belitz, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas, Sortum. Absent: Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Public Comment Period for items listed on the Agenda 

Sabin opened the public comment period at 1:10 pm.

With no members of the public coming forward, Sabin closed the public comment period at 1:11 pm.


  1. Approval of May 14, 2024 Meeting Minutes


Sabin requested motion to approve the May 14, 2024 meeting minutes.


McFarland motioned to approve the meeting minutes from May 14, 2024.  Kuhn seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Belitz, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas, Sortum. Absent: Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.



  1. Financial Update and Finance Committee Report – Commissioner Stavas 

Stavas discussed balances as of date, lodging tax and brief layout of budget expenses. Stavas mentions lodging tax by month collected and month deposited, finishing up FY 2023-2024. Stavas deferred to Director Ricks. Ricks spoke on how seasonally lodging tax works with fiscal year reporting. Sabin discussed the economic change of hotelier’s final numbers based on how recent weather events, economy and the level of middle/lower class spending. Sabin mentioned more progression coming out of the pandemic.

Motion to accept Budget Status Update as presented by Loseke. Barner seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Belitz, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas, Sortum. Absent: Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


Ricks discussed the received one year spending authority – lead us to market outside into new markets, that initial reports were very positive. Discussion of current spending authority budget as of current by Olson. Stavas mentioned keeping with the current spending authority into FY 25-27.


Motion to accept FY 2025-2027 Biennial Budget Request as presented by Loseke. McFarland seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Belitz, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas, Sortum. Absent: Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Director’s Report and NTC Project Updates – John Ricks and NTC staff


  1. FY 2024-2025 Grant Cycle Timeline & Draft – Heather Hogue discussed how the grant timeline opens, how it works, use of guidelines and deadlines, press releases and using social media to remind applicants to be aware of the new timeline, now that the annual Tourism Conference has moved to February.

Motion to accept FY 2024-2025 Grant Cycle Timeline and Draft as presented by Sortum. Stavas seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Belitz, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas, Sortum. Absent: Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Status – Manager of Community & Stakeholder Activation – Ricks discussed the job interviewing is in progress, the position is still vacant but looking for best representation of the position.


  1. Commission Committee Reports 


  1. Marketing Committee - Commissioner Chapo

Chapo deferred to Director Ricks who discussed Visitor Profile Study, a percentage of in state and out of state that travel for leisure, key spending and length of stays.

  1. National Western Stock Show – Ricks mentioned staffing issues – looking into different marketing options for better use of funds. Will be in contact with Western Nebraska Tourism Coalition for future discussion. 


  1. Commission Chair Report - Commissioner Sabin


  1. Commission Chair Sabin welcomed newest commissioner, KC Belitz, as of July 2024. Sabin mentioned the await of the 13th member to be appointed by the Governor.
  2. Global Mind Team – upcoming Director’s Review in October 2024.


  1. New Business
    1. Upcoming Meetings:  October 10th in Burwell, Nebraska at Calamus Outfitters.

Discussion of Tourism Conference next February in 2025 and mention of discussing 2025 meeting dates at October’s meeting. 


  1. Adjourn


At 2:55pm Sabin requested motion to adjourn meeting. Barner motioned to adjourn. Second was made by Olson.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Belitz, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas, Sortum. Absent: Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted by Schuylar Craig