Fontenelle Park

4405 Fontenelle Blvd.
Omaha, NE 68104
Closing the golf course in Fontenelle Park has allowed many beneficial changes to take shape at this park. Much like Benson Park, Fontenelle Park will become a destination offering many diverse recreation opportunities. In 2012 a grant from the Papio-Missouri NRD was received through their Recreational Area Development Program and helped fund Fontenelle Parks' new picnic shelter as well as several new concrete picnic pads with new tables and grills. A new six foot wide walking trail was constructed around the park, which allows for a 1.5 mile loop that park users can enjoy. Decorative benches were also placed along the trail, which were provided by Omaha by Design's through two grant sources: The Green Omaha Coalition and the Sokolof Foundation Inc.