An Adventurous Wednesday
Wednesday morning we set out early on a day trip to Lincoln (and surrounding areas! I wasn’t sure how many things we would be able to accomplish, but the goal was 7 stops, ending at Robbers Cave! The best part about these adventures is the discussions they bring. An hour's drive to Lincoln allowed for a jam session with my daughter, a game of i spy, and some fun conversations. We pulled up to the LUX first, checking out the cool murals around the building. Since our sights were set on 7 stops, we couldn’t spend too much time and with the LUx not being opened yet, I knew the murals would suffice. Next up? The Hub Café for a delicious meal and check out the nature that Antelope Creek brings with it! Once we finished breakfast, we took off to Adventure Golf, where we plugged our quarters into the batting cage! I hit a home run, while my daughter experienced her first batting cage and had quite a few good hits! With our confidence soaring, we headed out to Spring Creek Prairie! On the way, we swung by Paint Yourself Silly, not able to paint due to being from out of town & the Kiln taking 7 days… we admired others work before taking the drive out to the Prairie! The learning, sightseeing, and beautiful conversations in nature ensued upon arrival at Spring Creek. What a beautiful treasure! Checking the time, we realized we had about 1 hour and 45 minutes before our tour at Robbers Cave, so we set out to Nebraska’s National Guard Museum to play at their cool helicopter playground. My daughter napped while I jammed out on the country backroads to Seward. Now, this is what I call a peaceful summer road trip! We then finished our day trip with Robbers Cave, and I was speechless! How has this been here so long, and I’ve never heard of it? When can I come back? … so many thoughts ran through my mind! This tour was the best Nebraska Passport stop I’ve had in years! The entire drive back to Omaha was filled with reminiscing on the day! I know I only get so many summers with my daughter, and I am so incredibly thankful that her memories for years will be because of this program!