It Only Took 28 Years!
I read My Antonia, a novel by Willa Cather in 1994. I immediately fell in love with her writing and became an avid reader of hers. That year I also met Javier who would become one of the most important people in my life. We’ve been through so many memorable moments. We’ve traveled. We’ve read stories together. Discussed and sometimes debated about them. But he had never ever once read a book by Ms. Cather. Until this year! He finally agreed with me that WILLA CATHER was a gifted writer. One day having lunch I shared how visiting Red Cloud was on my Bucket List! And guess what?? He gave me the biggest gift ever! We visited Willa Cather’s hometown, AND IT WAS JUST AS MAGICAL as I’d imagined! Here he is! Happy as a clam! Enjoying Willa’s town! And it only took 28 years!