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Mother and daughter trip

Three years ago, my daughter and I took a short road trip and tried to visit as many stops on the Passport list as we could. We found some great places that we planned to visit again. Some places that we shared with others. Other places that we would never have known about or visited had it not been for Nebraska Passport.
This year we decided we would do 2 nights/3 days for our road trip. We had the Nebraska Passport 2024 list, but we had the list of stops we needed to revisit. So we set out.
This picture is one of the two of us at my favorite stop this year. The owner shared with us on her journey for starting the business. Her passion was real, and she shared with us more than just a story line.
We both enjoyed our road trip and plan on continuing the Nebraska Passport challenge. We recommend that others take the challenge and learn more about what makes Nebraska "The Good Life".

Our Lavender Co. [BONUS STOP]
Our Lavender Co.