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Nebraska City on a rainy day

Jumped in the van to go pick strawberries at Kimmel Orchard, but it started raining on the way! To try and buy some more time, we grabbed some lunch at the new Porter’s BBQ house at Arbor Day Farm. Still raining! So we decided to visit the firefighter museum next and I feel we got a lucky tour… the man working the museum was a past firefighter for Nebraska City and gave personalized accounts of many of the things that were in the museum, he was a very nice guy! The rain had finally died down a bit, but only to discover that the strawberry patch had been damaged by the up and down temperatures this spring. We didn’t leave empty-handed though, and got some caramel apple oatmeal cookies and apple cider and the kids had a blast playing on the awesome playground. We had a fun family day despite the rain and lack of strawberries. ?

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