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Old Jules Grave - Alliance, NE

While heading out to the Sandhills, I began giving my children some background knowledge on what life was like for the homesteaders settling in the panhandle by reading to them, "Mari Sandoz - Scribe of the Great Plains." We were very fascinated with the character, Old Jules from so many of the stories. As we were driving to Carhenge, I noticed a small sign that said, "Old Jules Gravesite." As we returned to town we made a stop by the Alliance Cemetery to see this piece of Sandhills history. Be forewarned - when you go to the cemetery directory, a glass will move up to allow for you to utilize the computer directory. I may not have jumped out of my skin had I known that in advance. HAHA! I'm not used to things moving or making noises in the cemeteries I've visited previously.

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