e CowVal Bike Ride is a one-of-a-kind bike ride taking place September 6, 2025 in Valenne NE celebrang the
30th Anniversary of the Cowboy Trail in Nebraska. CowVal will be hosted by the 501(c)3 nonprofit ROAM Share
and in concert with Nebraska Game & Parks Commission supported acvies. e ride ulizes the western end
of the Cowboy Trail to support o distance opons exploring the Sandhills of Nebraska: a 108-mile opon with
rnaround in Long Pine, and a shortened 50-mile opon with rnaround in Wood Lake. Based on regional
interest in self-supported gravel rides, CowVal expects between 40-100 riders om across the Midwest.
Please contact 402-350-0421 or [email protected] with any questions.
30th Anniversary of the Cowboy Trail in Nebraska. CowVal will be hosted by the 501(c)3 nonprofit ROAM Share
and in concert with Nebraska Game & Parks Commission supported acvies. e ride ulizes the western end
of the Cowboy Trail to support o distance opons exploring the Sandhills of Nebraska: a 108-mile opon with
rnaround in Long Pine, and a shortened 50-mile opon with rnaround in Wood Lake. Based on regional
interest in self-supported gravel rides, CowVal expects between 40-100 riders om across the Midwest.
Please contact 402-350-0421 or [email protected] with any questions.
Sat September 6, 2025
All Day